Mental Health and depression is a serious complex issue with a lot of us and it is very unique to each individual. There is no simple cure and what you may read online or about how someone resolved their issues is not going to be the same for you. Are you feeling ok today or is there something on your mind?
Has a recent incident occurred or maybe something in the past which you never resolved and now it is affecting you as you are older? Why do you behave like you do, what made you do the things you are doing right now and how has your past made you who you are today?
These are all factors which determine who you are and at the same time have a massive impact on your mental health. If you are struggling with Stress, Anxiety or depression consider getting help by speaking to a professional. You might be thinking this will not help or are in such a state that you simply cannot understand how anyone else could help and this is when you need to make that decision and push for a change. There are people out there that can help you overcome your issues and if you are willing to make the effort it can be the best thing you ever did and lead to your path of recovery.
Reach out and speak to someone if you need help, nothing bad will come from a chat and it will actually help you understand your own thoughts but no matter what happens you must be willing to help yourself change. No one can do that for you and it really does come down to you making that choice to move forward and becoming the stronger person.